PrivateRouter's reverse proxy service can run as a system service on any linux system or via docker. In this post we will explain how to execute both options from the Linux command line using our Github install script.

It is an 'all-in-one' utility, which basically means you feed it information and it does the jobs for you. This script can install the Docker Version of FRPC (and install Docker if needed) or install the standalone script which runs as a system service.

FRP is a reverse proxy client and server that you can read more about on their GitHUB.

This tutorial assumes you have a web server like nginx installed serving traffic on port 80/443. We suggest using nginx or Nginx Proxy Manager to connect multiple services on different ports to your domains and subdomains.

To install PrivateRouter's reverse proxy as a system service execute the following: -s [Server-IP] -t [Server-Token]

You can run the script without downloading like this:

curl | bash -s -- -s 123.456.789.120 -t token123

Replace the IP "123.456.789.120" with your reverse proxy IP and "token123" with your secure token sent in your service activation email.

By default the script will run at boot and connect to your reverse proxy. You can enable or disable the system service like this:

systemctl enable frpc

systemctl disable frpc

You can stop, start or restart the system service with these commands:

systemctl stop frpc

systemctl start frpc

systemctl restart frpc

To troubleshoot the proxy connection check the system status:

systemctl status frpc

To install the script as a Docker container add the -d flag: -d -s [Server-IP] -t [Server-Token]

Here are all possible flags you can pass to the script:

== Flags (* Indicates Required) ==
* [-s 123.456.789.012]* sets the FRP Server Address
* [-p 7000] sets the FRP Server Port
* [-t abcd12345]* sets the FRP Server Token
* [-d] Flags this as docker container install
* [-c] Cleans the history after install
* Example: -s 123.456.789.012 -t abcd12345

Note: You may use the hidden -f flag to force the install such as FRPC is already installed.

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